ID-Box : what is it ?
ID-Box is a virtual market place
where Registration is free and intends to sell or share your IDs: your ideas, tips or your best practices.
ID-Box is a virtual showcase on the world based on a win-win system where
There’s something for everyone, both contributing ideas (The IDtors) that researchers (the rIDers).
On ID-Box the genius is you !!
Any ideas with high added value that save time, money,
in quality, safety, etc… made to benefit the ID-Notes by becoming IDtor. For this, sign up for free now, and submit your
first idea !
After validation by our moderator ( IDrateur span>) your ID will be sold on On each of your sales we give you 70% if the sale price is greater than 1€ or 50% if the sale price is less than or equal to 1€.
You seek ideas with high added value in any field of activity become rIDor. For this, sign up for free Now and surf the ID-Box to enjoy the IDs that interest you.
Caution ID-Box is not an organization of industrial or intellective protection. Industrial’s or intellective’s protection approaches are the responsibility and burden of the Contributor (IDtor).